Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Artists are Business People, Too!

Earlier this month, I had the honor of being a guest speaker in my friend John White's class at Otis College.  John teaches in the areas of Advertising Design and Communication Arts, and it was clear the group of students I was spending the afternoon with were a creative, inquisitive bunch.
So they probably wondered why an Accountant was coming in to talk to them -- especially an accountant who had just published a book.  The creative types hire the number crunchers to manage the left brain-stuff, right?   

Fortunately, I know that I don't talk like an Accountant is supposed to talk. And I brought with me a set of values cards for each of them, so that instead of listening to me pontificate on how they must do business when they graduate, they were engaged in identifying what is important to them now.  We then looked, as a group, at how these values impact decision making both in business and in everyday interpersonal relations.
We also defined and discussed human capital, structural capital, social capital, and intellectual capital, and how these things are just as important as your financial bottom line.  If you want to know about all the capitals, I suggest picking up a copy of my new book published by Business Expert Press called Five Eyes on the Fence, Protecting the Five Core Capitals of Your Business (Notice the neatly placed commercial).
The worth of a student or any business is measured in more than money.  I think they could see that they already have considerable assets. One just needs to be aware and intentional about them. 
I really enjoyed spending the afternoon with those students at Otis.  I hope they enjoyed their time with me, too, and left class that day feeling a little richer.
Contact RSJ

Monday, July 7, 2014

Risks to Avoid When Outsourcing Payroll

Outsourcing your company’s payroll has many of benefits, but many pitfalls as well.   I recently contributed to an article on Business News Daily on avoiding these risks. Read the article here

I'd like to thank writer, Brittney Helmrich for including my thoughts in her article.  

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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Thinking About Outsourcing Your Company’s Payroll Services?

I recently had the opportunity to chime in on this subject for an article in Business News Daily.   If you’re thinking about outsourcing your company’s payroll this may be helpful. And, as always, we are here to help answer questions you may have.

Credit: Krasimira Nevenova/Shutterstock
Every business, no matter how small, needs to process payroll, and deciding how you want to manage payroll is an important step.

While some small business owners prefer to do their own payroll in-house, there are many benefits to using a payroll service. With so many options to choose from, however, finding the right one can be overwhelming.  >> Read more

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Kolbe Wisdom Changes the Game for Rose, Snyder & Jacobs
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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Kolbe Wisdom™ Changes the Game for Rose, Snyder & Jacobs

At Rose, Snyder & Jacobs, we use the Kolbe System to build our team and create our company culture.   This month’s Kolbe Connection highlights our success story – and features yours truly.

When Tony Rose learned about his M.O. it really helped him understand himself. “It permitted me to be me,” he said. At the time, his executive team was struggling to work together. The company was managing alright, growing and making money, but it just wasn’t easy.  Like many other companies, they promoted people to managerial roles without understanding that just because people are great at their job doesn’t mean they would be great managing people who do that job.


Be sure to visit Kolbe.com and follow @Kolbe_Corp on Twitter to learn more about how the Kolbe System may benefit your company.

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Five Eyes on the Fence
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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Five Eyes On The Fence

Some of you might know that I am in the process of finishing up a manuscript for my second book.

Manuscript. I like saying that word. It sounds prestigious and dignified. And the truth is that this book is the culmination of close to seven years of reflection. This book represents the challenges I try to solve when consulting with our business clients. You see, many of my partners and I don't solely give accounting and tax advice. Often, a simple tax question can turn into a complex discussion of the intricacies of doing business, so we help our clients with all five of their business’s capitals, not just their financial capital and tax-planning needs.

That’s right: A business has five capitals. Take RSJ, for instance. My first book, Say Hello to the Elephants, is an element of RSJ’s Intellectual Capital. The book explained our quadrant planning-process, which is a Structural Capital that we use to help our clients solve problems. Speaking of our clients, our network of clients, colleagues and associates represents a portion of the Social Capital of our company. And this sequential-step process (quadrant planning) helps us live up to the refer-ability standards that are part of the values defined by our Human Capital.

Buy Five Eyes on the Fence now

Intellectual, Structural, Social, and Human Capital: These are four of the five capitals that constitute a business, with Financial Capital being the fifth. It is one of my core beliefs that the effectiveness of business planning increases exponentially when an owner and her advisors keep an eye on each of these capitals—when they keep a total of five eyes on the fence, guarding their business.

I have read snippets about the different capitals. A number of authors, for example, have written about the importance of defining a family-owned business’s values (which are part of a company’s Human Capital). Tech company executives know that protecting Intellectual Capital is paramount. Yet, I’ve never read a book in which the author has integrated all five of the capitals in one place. This represents a huge gap in how advisors counsel their clients. And this is why seven years ago, I started to think about and actively seek guidance on how to deploy more effective planning.

You see, without an integrated system for evaluating a business’s five capitals, there are bound to be gaps. Opportunities will slip through these holes in the fence, so to speak.
Fast forward to today. I am much further along in understanding the integrated planning system that needs to be implemented if a business wants to grab a hold of its opportunities.The more I researched the book and worked through what each individual capital represented, the more I came to realize that each capital is complexly linked to the other. Like the links of a chain link fence, the five capitals are connected to one another and each is only as strong as the links that hold it together.

There are many good business consultants and I am certain that they, consciously or unconsciously, consider all five of the capitals when serving their clients. I am also certain that those advisors who fail to consider the effect of their counsel on each of the capitals can cause more damage than they can ever calculate. If a business increases its rates to improve its Financial Capital, but it fails to effectively communicate this rate-increase to the clients, its efforts will backfire as clients jump ship.

Need proof? Just consider the impact Netflix’s $6 rate increase back in 2011 had on the company. Surely, many of the customers who jumped ship—and according to several reports, the number was about one million more than Netflix intended—could have afforded the $6 rate increase. Judging from the slew of complaints that circled the social media world, many customers simply felt devalued, unappreciated, and … well, frankly, they had hurt feelings. The canceled their subscriptions on principle.

And who can blame them? If Netflix had focused as much on its Social Capital as it did on its bottom line, perhaps its Financial Capital would not have been so severely impacted back in 2011. Perhaps it could have communicated with its clients before the rate increase, showing paying customers that Netflix appreciated and honored them. Perhaps the company could have implemented the rate increase and lost only those customers who truly could not afford or did not value Netflix enough to pay the new rate.

You bet that this more-than-money approach makes planning more complex, difficult and sometimes even more costly. With equal amounts of certainly, I know that it also creates a higher probability of success because a business isn’t just money. It is the people, the values, the ideas, and the process within a business.

In writings to come, I intend to share with you some of my thoughts concerning each of the capitals. And when my book is published, you will have a  detailed look at each of the capitals, how they work together and what we are doing at RSJ to keep five eyes on your fence.

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